Introduction to blockchain DAOhaus

Introduction about myself 

Hi! I am Ayush Kumar, a student currently studying in secondary high school in New Delhi, India. Let me first give you a brief introduction about myself before beginning with our today's 'Techtalk' regarding blockchain technology and its one great contributing organization DAOhaus.

I am a sincere student, currently preparing for Joint Entrance Examination to get admission into an IIT college. IITs are government-accredited universities in my country providing for the graduation and post-graduation studies of students. 

I have hands on technical experience in the field of blockchain, software development, AI and machine learning as well as game development. I have a thorough understanding of the concepts of Information Technology and a little bit understanding of Economics, 

About Blockchain

Blockchain is a field comprising of finance and technology that is flourishing and growing in a fast and efficient manner. It can be described as a secure network of payments made in digital cryptocurrencies in which the payment is not entrusted to the payer and the payee does not have to put his trust in someone for receiving his legitimate payment. 

According to the definition given by

 Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

The idea of blockchain first came in the technically efficient brain of the great tech master Satoshi Nakamoto who developed Bitcoin, the earliest cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was founded in the year 2009 and its development involved the contribution of a group of cypherpunks. 

Nowadays, there are hundreds of cryptocurrencies available, each having a separate value(cost).

About DAOhaus

Let me now introduce to one of the contributing organizations in the field of blockchain - DAOhaus.

First of all, you should know what DAO stands for. It stands for "Decentralized Autonomous Organization".

The wikipedia definition says - "A decentralized autonomous organization, sometimes called a decentralized autonomous corporation, is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program that is transparent, controlled by the organization members and not influenced by a central government."

According to, DAOs are an effective and safe way to work with like-minded folks around the globe.

DAOhaus is a no-code platform for launching and running DAOs. It is owned and operated by the community. All DAOs on the platform utilize the glorious open-source code of Moloch.

For your knowledge, an open source project is a project that accepts public contribution, meaning that developers from around the globe can make changes to the source code via direct access and can publish as well as distribute new versions of the item(software or any kind of project).

As of now, DAOhaus is being build and developed by an organization known as War Camp. It is a distributed team of 20+ core contributors. The organization needs volunteers specializing in any of the following roles and responsibilities:-

1. Alchemists

2. Operations

3. Magesmiths

4. Rangers (community)

If you have any of the above specified skills and are proficient in it, then you can consider contributing to the DAOhaus community. Every action of yours as a developer can bring great value to the society. So please do not hesitate in contributing if you can, in any way.

As specified on the DAOhaus official website, there is also a possibility of getting tipped while contributing. Please follow the steps specified below to request base pay from the DAO:-

  1. 1. Fill out the ClickUp Distribution Request form
  2. 2. Once everyone has their requests in, the total is requested from Warcamp DAO for each circle (takes a few days)
  3. 3. Once those funds arrive in your circle DAO, you can make your actual request from your circle DAO
